A new Changing Place Toilet has been opened at Paignton seafront beneath the shoreline restaurant.
It’s equipped with a hoist to lift someone from wheelchair to toilet or to a changing table. The toilet is a washlet style capable of cleaning and drying someone in situ. The sink is user height adjustable for access. The full length adult changing table is fixed to the wall and is electrically height adjustable. The electrically powered hoist allows an adult or child lifted onto the table so that they may be changed with dignity.
The availability of this special public toilet helps to enable people with profound physical impairment to enjoy all the events that take place on or near Paignton seafront, not to mention the beach. The Changing Place Toilet has been sponsored by Torbay Council with generous donations from Torbay Mencap Society, and the Rotary Clubs of Paignton and Preston.
The NHS team at the Hollacombe Day Centre and the toilet installation company Healthmatic are to thank for ensuring that this facility sets the standard for all others to follow.
Please do support this wonderful development by sharing the news of its installation with those people amongst your family, friends, neighbours, colleagues and aquaintances that might benefit.
The facility could be of interest to people outside Torbay who may be encouraged to visit in future now that the logistics of their visit can be more conveniently managed. I’d like to think that the introduction of a Changing Place Toilet at Paignton seafront not only provides a very practical benefit but also indicates that the community cares for some of those amongst us who deserve a little extra consideration. Hooray for Torbay!
Stephen Marks.
Torbay Mancap Society
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