A Christmas party was held for Torbay’s Foster Carers and children at Upton Vale church to help the Foster Carers celebrate Christmas and to say thank you for all their hard work throughout the year.
The event was well attended with more than 50 people taking part, and as well as Christmas party music and food there was a raffle, and the event was also attended by Torbay Council’s Fostering team, Director of Children’s Services Nancy Meehan, and Councillor Nick Bye, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services.
Councillor Nick Bye, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, said: “It was great to see so many of our Foster Carers at this year’s Christmas party and I would once again like to say a huge thank you to each and everyone one of them for their amazing work.
“As ever, I would also like to pass on my thanks to all of our Corporate Partners who provide help, support and also fun activities for our Foster families throughout the year
“We are always looking for new Foster Carers as well so if you are interested please do get in touch – our team would love to hear from you. Change a child’s future – Foster with Torbay.”
The annual Christmas party is one of a number of events held for Fostering families throughout the year; recently almost 750 people from Torbay’s Fostering, Special Guardians, children with additional needs and their parents/carers, as well as our care experienced young people, took part in the annual Train of Lights for the fifth year in a row, thanks to generosity from Dartmouth Steam Railway. Other events throughout the year have included a summer barbecue, quarterly Foster Carer Forums and more, while the Council’s Fostering team also attended a range of events during the year such as Armed Forces Day, Torbay Pride and Devon County Show.
In addition, if you Foster with Torbay you will get access to:
- Extensive support and training
- a dedicated social worker
- Mentoring from an experienced Foster Carer
- access to a support network including local Foster Carers Forum
Torbay Council was also accredited as a Fostering Friendly Employer in 2023 by national charity The Fostering Network, providing additional support to staff who are Foster Carers.
Find out more about Fostering
If you are thinking of becoming a Foster Carer call 01803 207845, email fostering@torbay.gov.uk or visit the webpage www.torbay.gov.uk/fostering
You can also attend one of the local events. The next Fostering recruitment drop-in event is at Brixham Library, Market Street, Brixham, TQ5 8EU on Saturday 7 December from 11am to 1pm.
There will then be a break over Christmas with the next recruitment drop in event taking place on Saturday 11 January at Newton Abbot Library, Market Street, Newton Abbot, TQ12 2RJ, from 11am to 1pm.
You can also follow Fostering on the council’s social media channels Facebook, Instagram, NextDoor and LinkedIn and search the hashtags #FosterWithTorbay #FosteringMoments and #EverythingFosteringFilm
If you are from a local organisation and are thinking of becoming one of the official Corporate Partners for Fostering, please email fostering@torbay.gov.uk– you can also find a full list of Corporate Partners on the website, as well as information on becoming a Fostering Friendly employer: https://www.torbay.gov.uk/children-and-families/fostering/become-a-corporate-partner/
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