Devon and Cornwall police have embarked on a dedicated ‘week of action’ aiming to tackle some of the issues that our young people encounter. The campaign will focus on a specific topic each day including drugs, sexting, internet safety, bullying, sexual consent and hate crime. Help, support and crime prevention advice will be provided to young people at secondary schools and colleges across the region. New resources have also been developed providing information, guidance and signposting to websites and online resources encouraging young people to engage online and can help young people with issues they may be experiencing.
Superintendent Matt Lawler said “This advice week has been launched following our annual youth conference and CEOP’s national online safety campaign as we understand that one in seven parents have never spoken directly to their children about online safety.
“Issues affecting young people are really important and we aim to cover the most prevalent ones.
“During the week we will be advising young people as well as parents about staying safe online especially when using social media, as well as understanding the dangers of drugs, and it will also give us the opportunity to talk to parents and teenagers about the issues of sexual consent, and the startling statistic that 45% of young people experience bullying before they are 18.
“Another day this week will look at the issues around hate crime and we will be supported by Exeter City Football Club to discuss the issues. We hope that young people and parents will think about how they can help keep themselves safe and seek advice when they need it.”
We would encourage you to follow our week via:
- DC_Police
You can also get involved in the week by using the #YouthWeekDCPolice.
For more information on these issues please visit: