A new support group for people who struggle with eating disorders is starting in Torbay, set up by a woman who herself is trying to recover from the illness.
The group aims to give local people a place to meet others with similar struggles and share their experiences of living with an eating disorder, with a hope that this will help recovery.
Anyone with an eating disorder or issues with food and body image is welcome to attend, regardless of gender, age or diagnosis. The group is to be held once a fortnight and there is no need to book a place.
The group does not offer professional counselling or therapy and advises people to contact their GP if they are struggling with an eating disorder.
The group is free to attend but donations are more than welcome to cover the cost of the room hire.
The first meeting is:
Date: Wednesday 3rd May
Time: 6pm – 7pm
Venue: Endeavour Hous
228 Higher Union Street
Then every 2 weeks at the same time and venue.
Please contact torbayEDgroup@outlook.com for further information.
Or visit www.torbayedgroup.wixsite.com/home