Crossways shopping centre could get a new lease of life following years of neglect.
The majority of the shops are empty.
With the centre mainly used as a walkway from Hyde Road to Torquay Road.
Torbay Council said on Facebook:
“A decision was made at a Full Council last week that Torbay Council would purchase the land at Crossways shopping centre in Paignton, if necessary by the use a compulsory purchase order to facilitate regeneration of the site. The aspiration is to develop the land as an attractive retail, residential and employment space.
“It is intended that the development will regenerate the built environment and rejuvenate the economic vitality of the area by providing high quality retail units and housing accommodation which will attract occupiers back into the locality, and improve the retail offering. The project also aims to improve connectivity for residents and provide a rejuvenated tourist destination.”
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