At Kings Ash Academy, we have been busy learning about the Brains of Britain and our role within this. We have reflected on our role within society and how we can contribute to life in Britain. We have understood the role of the Royal Family and the Houses of Parliament. We have thought carefully about how we can use our Growth Mindset to be the best we can be. We thought about how this links to our School Values and our British Values. In our year groups, we then learnt all about who the Brains of Britain are: including ourselves!

In Year Three we found out some interesting facts about the Royal family and we celebrated the diversity in our classroom by drawing around our hands and decorating them carefully with our interests, favourite things to do or our favourite patterns. In Year Four we researched Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal family then created a written fact file about them. We thought about what it means to have a diverse culture and created collage flags to represent our differences. In Year Five we discussed the role of the Royal family and created a piece of artwork to show how each of us is diverse, unique and special.

In Year Six, we explored what it means to be British and how Britain is run. We understood how new laws are passed and how the Government is led. We created artwork which represented different religions, cultures and beliefs. We thought about how we are all special and important.

We have a fantastic understanding of our role within Britain and how important the British Values and School Values are for this.
Kimberley Mason
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