Need a small grant for your community project?
Funding is now available for small community-led schemes to improve people’s health and wellbeing. This could be to helping people get more active, look after themselves better, or become more connected.
We have so far funded over 200 local groups – including Carers, women’s groups, garden projects, homeless support, drug and alcohol support, theatre projects, sports clubs, disabled groups, arts projects, faith based intiatives, and many more.
Any person, group or project based in Torbay can apply. Projects will need to meet at least one of the following:
Promote physical activity; Promote emotional health and wellbeing; Encourage people to look after themselves better (self-care) and live more positive and fulfilled lives; Support recovery from drug or alcohol misuse; Reduce loneliness within local communities; Support life-long learning and strengthen and develop existing community networks -These must benefit a group of people rather than just an individual.
We especially welcome applications from individuals or new groups who have a good idea to benefit their community.
Individuals’ or groups who have applied before can apply again but not for the same project they applied for before.
Applications may be from £25-£300.
This grant funding is only in offer until April.
For an application form, email: