A post on Spotted Torquay from one mother to another was shared around the world this week.
The post, which appeared on the Facebook page on Thursday 28th January, received thousands of likes and hundreds of shares and has been seen by hundreds of thousands of people.
With thousands of people relating to the post, many inspired by the words:
I used to be a full time working mum.
Every morning for the past 10 years, I’ve driven from Torquay over the Shaldon bridge on my way to work and most days I’ve driven past a beautiful lady with crazy blonde curly hair… she started out 10 years ago walking her eldest baby to the primary school with her younger ones carried on her chest and in double buggies whilst walking a beautiful puppy retriever.
Every morning I would watch her and be in awe at how organised she was, how she could possibly manage & how happy her babies looked. I would then continue the rest of my journey to work with a lump in my throat that someone else was doing all of those things with my babies because I felt I should be at work.
This lady made me realise that actually I should work a little less, and learn to manage a little more… So as I drove past you this morning and I saw you kissing your daughter on the forehead who once I saw as a tiny baby and is now a little lady…and your dog was walking at a much slower pace beside you now he’s so much older and I imagine all your other children have now grown up and go to secondary school and walk themselves to school.
I just wanted to post on here, in the hope somehow it will reach you, to say thank you, because of you I have now reduced my working hours, so I can spend some mornings at home doing the crazy school runs with all my babies, I make sure I go and fight back tears watching all their school plays & bake (mainly inedible) cakes for the fetes-and I love all of it!
It’s amazing that seeing a 30 second glimpse of someone else’s life once a day can make yours so much more enjoyable xx
Hello, I’m the lady with the crazy blonde hair!!
My goodness….what a truly beautiful post, I feel very honored to have made a difference to your life without even knowing it. We don’t do any kind of social media but through other people I have come to know about your post….my phone has been going mad!!!I’m absolutely AMAZED that you have noticed me for such a long time and noticed the changes in my family, I’ve been walking Shaldon bridge since 2003 along with Boris the dog who’s now 11 and finding it a struggle, I have had five children go to the school (my younger 3 are still there) and your right my elder two walk themselves to TCS.
I feel incredibly honoured (along with embarrassed) to be mentioned in such a post for simply walking my children to school along with what has felt like over the years being a parent machine!!! That short walk across Shaldon bridge is my little bit of therapy and how blessed we all are to live in such a beautiful part of the world!
I am taking the credit for SO many other parents who do exactly the same as me so for all the other parents, that post was for you too!!! I know that everyone’s life is different and sometimes life doesn’t enable us all to spend the time with our children that we wish but I believe being there for those simple day to day moments creates long lasting memories for all!
I have to give thanks and credit to my wonderful husband who works tirelessly which enables me to be there for our children without the need for grandparents or childcare so without him I couldn’t do it;
let’s not forget our hard working husbands and partners! I wouldn’t change it all even if i could so hold on to all those beautiful memories you’re making with your children because they won’t want you going to school with them forever….it’s all over too soon.Many, many thanks for allowing me to be part of your journey and give me a beep when we pass next so I can give you a wave!! So touched to have made a positive difference to a strangers life and from reading the lovely reply from your sister you’re doing amazing. Naomi Xx

The author, Rachaele Hambleton, 33 who lives in Stoke Gabriel, told us of her surprise to response to her post. She added:
“I think the post was so popular because both working & stay at home mums could relate to it”.

The post was very thought provoking. With many of us thinking about the work/life balance.
This was the first time a spotted Torquay post has made my wife cry!
Thank you Rachaele for sharing this and to Naomi for allowing her reply to be shared.
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