In September 2016 an expected 1000 delegates from the international UNESCO Geopark family will descend on Torbay from the one hundred and twenty UNESCO Global Geoparks in thirty-three countries around the world.
The conference will start with an opening ceremony that could star YOU!
Join local musicians and players from the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra (BSO) to open the conference and welcome international visitors and VIPs to Torbay.

Today, the production team has launched their call for performers to join the cast. Artistic Director, Mark Laville, said: “We are looking for Performers, Musicians, Singers, Choirs, Rappers, Dancers and Actors – aged 8-80!
“Over the past few months a group of local young composers have been working with Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and talented young/local musician’s writing the GeoOpera – which tells the story of the planet (all 6 billion years of it) now we need a cast to bring this incredible story to life.”
Anyone and everyone interested is invited to come to the Palace Theatre Paignton on Wednesday 1 June at 6pm to find out more from Artistic Director Mark Laville, BSO Devon Associate and GeoOpera Musical Director, Hugh Nankivell, and the rest of the creative team.
If you want to find out more about the GeoOpera then head for its Facebook page:
Melanie Border, Coordinator English Riviera UNESCO Global Geopark, said: “The English Riviera UNESCO Global Geopark is known across the globe for its creative and innovative approach to working with its community. The opening ceremony will only reinforce this reputation and I for one can’t wait to see it.”
Anyone seeking more information can contact Meg or Hugh or find the project at