Enforce minimum wage calculation to be changed to help commission based workers.
For many years now National Minimum wage has been calculated and includes commission based jobs, so to calculate how your minimum wage is made up, your commissions will be topping your salary up to make up the short fall, this in some commissioned based jobs can be a short fall of £600 or more, which some months can be impossible.
Workers state that they can work roughly 66 hours per week, with only 6 days off a month, yet bringing in a monthly salary of £1000 or less, this equates to their minimum wage being £3.47 per hour if they work their full week. Most don’t even get a lunch break, what they call in their industry “a working lunch”.
Employers are abusing the loop hole by not paying national minimum wage and relying on their employees to make up the short fall with their commissions.
The National Minimum wage and the new National Living wage keeps getting increased and the government are leaving commissions in the calculations so the short fall is increasing.
There should at least be a National Minimum Salary enforced to overcome this and the way National Minimum Wage is calculated should be changed so commissions aren’t included, the amount commission workers get paid should equate to the amount of hours they work at the National Minimum wage. Everyone should be entitled to the National Minimum Wage.
Together we can help close the loop hole for employers so that everyone is entitled to the National Minimum Wage.
Sign the Government published petition here;