Update: The road has reopened.
The collision involved four vehicles. Two people were released from vehicles by the fire service and were taken to hospital. It is currently unknown if there were any other casualties.
A spokesperson for the fire service said:
“Upon arrival crews confirmed a four vehicle road traffic collision on public highway with two persons still within the vehicles.
“Crews set to work with two sets of hydraulic equipment, stabilisation equipment and small tools to release both casualties who were subsequently conveyed to hospital via land ambulance,”
Hellevoetsluis Way is currently closed due to an accident earlier this evening.
The accident, which happened at around 5pm occurred between the Gallows Gate Roundabout and Preston Down Road Roundabout on the A380.
Traffic is heavy around the area. With people on Hellevoetsluis Way at a standstill.
Emergency services are still at the scene.

Updates to follow as more information becomes available.