Here’s to the promoters, the positives and enthusiasts Torbay is full of.
Here’s to the people who tirelessly and quietly go about promoting the Bay in small ways you won’t see written down in any marketing budget or big, over reaching plan.
Here’s to the people doing a little bit every day to make this Bay a nicer place for those who live here and visitors alike. You won’t see these people picking apart every plan the Council or Businesses make and finding the negatives because these are the people who see the positives in what’s trying to be done, the people who don’t mind being put out for a day or a week because they can see the bigger picture.
With things like Facebook and Twitter it is so easy to have our say about what we are thinking, about how things are going to affect us and (Let’s face it, we’re British) have a moan. The issue is what would once have been a throwaway comment is now shouted to the world and written down, discussed and ultimately defended. As a result the world can seem a worryingly negative place, a place full of fear and danger. But ask yourself is that really the world you live in? Are the people around you every day negative and destructive? Or are they normal everyday people who occasionally stick up for what they believe in?
The world is not a scary place, it has its dark side but that’s human nature. Most of us are quietly going about our business doing a little bit every day to make the world a better place for us and our families. Yeah we gripe, we moan but only when we feel it necessary, it doesn’t mean we are ultimately negative people. So here’s to YOU the promoters, the positives and enthusiasts Torbay is full of.
Here’s YOU that tirelessly and quietly go about promoting the Bay in small ways. Here’s to YOU the people doing a little bit every day to make this Bay a nicer place for those who live here and visitors alike. Here’s to you dear reader.
M. Bignell.