Dartington based charity, Lifeworks, have been successful in securing the top prize in the prestigious Aviva Community Fund. The award is specifically for the expansion of Breaking the Barrier, the charity’s adventure sport inclusion program for learning disabled children and young adults.
2017 is Breaking the Barrier’s 10th Anniversary, and for the last 9 years has provided surf sessions for learning disabled children, young adults and their families across Devon, Cornwall and even further afield.
The charity are now looking forward to building on the success of Breaking the Barrier which has already introduced over 1000 learning disabled young people to the joys of surfing.
The competition consisted of two stages- a public vote to decide on finalists, followed by the winners being selected by a panel of judges.
Laura Bambrey, Community Fundraiser and Communications Officer at Lifeworks said, “We want to say thank you to every single person who supported us through this process- for all the votes and help in spreading the word. The support we received from the local community has been incredible- and we couldn’t have done this without them.”
Sarah-Jane Lowson Breaking the Barrier project co-ordinator and Community Project Development Manager at Lifeworks said, “Because of your support, 200 learning disabled young people and their families will surf, bounce and cycle their way across Devon and Torbay this year, local community groups and schools will be supported to increase adventure sport opportunities on offer to learning disabled children in their care, and Lifeworks will develop a Breaking the Barrier tool kit to share the model and ethos of this fantastic project.”

The grant will be used expand on the adventure sports on offer- adding trampolining and cycling to the project. It will also enable Lifeworks to grow their existing surf events as well as adding a third venue.
Laura continued, “We can’t thank Aviva enough for this opportunity. These funds will mean a real step change for the project. We’ll be able to replace and repair our equipment, offer new training and ultimately introduce even more young people to adventure sport than ever before- and that is what it is all about.”
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