There has been outrage following a racist comment made by Newton Abbot MP Anne Marie Morris.
Anne Marie Morris who has been an MP for Newton Abbot since 2010 is heard saying “the real n***** in the woodpile” in an audio clip recorded by the Huffington at a meeting of Tory eurosceptics in London.
The MP made the racist remark while talking about financial services deal the UK could strike with Brussels post-2019.
Anne Marie Morris is facing calls to have the Conservative whip removed from her over a comment she made the meeting which was attended by Brexit-backing MPs.
The BBC have reported that she told them: “The comment was totally unintentional. I apologise unreservedly for any offence caused.”
The audio can be heard below [YouTube video loading. Please be aware the word n***** is heard]
People have taken to twitter to express their views on the comment:
So Anne Marie Morris MP thinks saying "Nigger in the woodpile" is ok?
In which century?
Same old Tories, never far under the surface.
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) July 10, 2017
I'm afraid an apology is not good enough – we must show zero tolerance for racism. MPs must lead by example.
— Heidi Allen (@heidiallen75) July 10, 2017
I honestly thought we had made some progress on this dreadful type of language and to hear an MP say it, l am genuinely shocked, awful stuff
— Angela Rayner (@AngelaRayner) July 10, 2017
Those guys on @Wikipedia are fast as fuck updating Anne Marie Morris's page
— Broken Remote (@broken_remote) July 10, 2017
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