Police in Kingsbridge have appealed for information after a car had the locks, petrol cap, doors and wiper blades super glued.

The incident happened between noon on Saturday and 5pm on Sunday. The red Citroën had been parked by the old St John’s Ambulance building on Fore Street.
Kingsbridge Police said on Facebook:
“The owner of the vehilce is a lovely person and we do not know the motive behind it. Pointless crimes like this can cause great upset, distress and inconvenience.
“If you are the person who did this then maybe get in touch so we can discuss your reasons behind it and save us the financial costs of a forensic investigation,”
Police later discover that the St Johns building had been broken into and superglue had been stolen.
Kingbridge Police went on to make this appeal on social media to parents:
“This is an appeal to parents. If your child came home with glue on them, or if their clothes have glue on them, please could you get in touch. Their honesty in coming forward could save them a whole lot of grief.
“We all make mistakes, but it’s how we deal with those errors in judgement and take steps to rectify the situation that show our true character,”
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