Every day in Torquay, many of us have been ‘walking on water’ without even realising.Members of local charity the Creativity Centre Educational Trust have collected people’s memories for an illustrated exhibition about Fleet Walk, currently being shown at Torquay Museum. The exhibition brings to life the history of the area, before the new shopping centre was built over the River Fleet, the build itself, and after it was opened by Princess Anne in the 1980s.
Along with people’s memories, the project shares some fascinating old photographs which chart the development of Fleet Walk Shopping Centre in the late 80s, along with a vintage model of the town centre created during the planning process.
The work on this project was done by volunteers at local charity, The Creativity Centre Educational Trust, as part of the Men’s Innovation Group and the Merry Widows project; and was made possible by a grant from Torbay Council’s Local Heritage Fund.
For more information on the project, contact: Marilyn Fryer – marilyn@creativitycentre.com