South Devon based company Safe Response have donated 1000 reflective wristbands to safe driving campaign group
P-A-U-L-Y ‘Parents All United Lifesaving Youngsters’
P-A-U-L-Y was set up by Jackie Brealy after her son died in a car accident. Jackie hopes the organisation will educate youngsters and make them aware of the dangers of that may face them on the roads.
Here is why Jackie set up the campaign:
‘Nothing in the world can ever prepare you for losing a son, a brother, a grandson, a nephew or a best friend. When you lose a child you also lose part of your life, and losing Paul was life changing for all of us. Paul loved his family to bits and was a huge part of all our lives, and for my own and everyone else’s sake I wanted to do something to keep his memory alive, that would also help us to cope with the grief and devastation we were all feeling, and something from which we could all draw comfort knowing that Paul’s death hadn’t been completely in vain.’
Simon Jeffery, Managing Director of Safe Response, told us
“This is a valuable cause and we wanted to do a little something to help, these wristbands are a great way to interact with children at talks and events. We have supported the Pauly Stay Safe campaign for a few years now and will continue to help where we can”

Jackie Brealy explained how the bands would help:
“Safe response has kindly donated some lovely bands so the Pauly team can give out to young children to promote road safety, this needs to be brought back into schools – start children young. We then lay the foundations of road safety at a young age, this will give young children a great start in learning how dangerous our roads are and how behaving in a car can save their lives and others, making them more responsible drivers and road users. In return it saves lives, and takes the pressure off of the emergencies services”
You can here more from Jackie here:
Where she talks for ‘Learn2Live’ about the day she found out that Paul had passed away. The officer who had to inform her, also talks about that day.
To find out more about P-A-U-L-Y, you can find the group on Facebook:
To see what services and products safe response offer, have a look at their website: