Torbay Council urgently needs properties for local families, couples and single people looking for permanent homes.
Torbay is in the midst of a housing crisis: there aren’t enough homes for people in need of one or those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Many landlords in the Bay have properties available for rent – and the council is asking them to come forward and give people a secure home.
They are looking for everything from rooms in shared houses to six-bed family homes.
Benefits for landlords include:
-Full control over who moves into the property
-A tenant suitability and affordability assessment
-A five-week deposit and one month’s rent in advance
-Legal guidance
-Ongoing support
-Minimal rental gaps
-Property assessments
-Tenancy reviews
Councillor Steve Darling, Leader of Torbay Council, said: “Many visitors who come to visit Torbay are right to love our natural setting, but may not realise the housing challenges that some people in our communities face.
“Like other areas, we have a growing number of people who need somewhere to live. This is coupled with a shortage of properties, particularly in the rented sector.
“Many households are struggling to find affordable properties due to recent rent increases and the threat of losing their home is very real for many ordinary families working in essential, frontline roles.
“We need to house our families in order for children to take up school spaces in September.”
Councillor Darren Cowell, Deputy Leader of Torbay Council, said: “We’re appealing to landlords out there to get in touch. You may be a buy-to-let investor who has a portfolio of properties or a builder who’s renovated a ‘fixer upper’ and is ready to let it out.
“Perhaps you’re moving in with a partner and need someone to rent out your home. Or maybe you’ve inherited your family home from a deceased parent and don’t want to sell it just yet.
“We know there are landlords out there with homes of all sizes and we’d love them to get in touch. There are a range of benefits to make the rental process as smooth as possible.
“If you’re a landlord with a home to offer, you’ll be making a huge difference to people’s lives and giving families their ‘forever’ home.”
If you’re a landlord or property agent with a suitable home, go to Torbay Council’s dedicated landlord webpage for more details.
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